How to Safely Clear Anger

It’s hard to release intense emotions like anger. But I’ve discovered one fail-safe method that kicks it out for good.

We can all agree that strong emotions have been dialed up these past few years. And what with Pluto entering Aquarius this past week, emotions related to humanitarian issues will certainly continue to rile the populace. But anger harms the user, and learning some tools to manage it safely is good practice for anyone looking to better know themselves.

I never thought of myself as an “angry” person, but I hold emotions. A classic empath, I seem to suck up other people’s drama like a hoover vacuum, then find myself with a massive migraine and body ache. Now I know what my body is up to, I’ve developed a suite of measures to kick out these strong emotions before they take hold of my body. Anyone can do them, and you might find that building them into your routine can dispel even the most challenging of strong emotions — namely, anger.

Ground, Ground, Ground!

Grounding is a useful technique that anyone can use whenever they feel strong emotions, like anger, taking hold. It’s simple, requires nothing more than a moment to multitask, and can be hugely useful in dumping out all that excess energy.

Start by picturing a ball of yarn. Mentally “attach it” to the base of your spine. Now toss it down into the center of the earth. Let it hang there a moment, and see if you can “feel” the tug of the yarn. Now expand the yarn to the width of your hips. Decorate your chord, add some glitter, or maybe a rainbow! Feel the pull of all those strong emotions exit your body into the grounding chord. See it move down the chord into the earth.

Done! You’re all grounded. I like to throw down a chord at least once to twice a day just to keep things flowing. The more vigilant you throw a chord down, the more you’ll see the effects.

Blow a Rose

Another visualization technique that I find immensely helpful is what’s known as blowing a rose. You can do this technique after you ground, or all on its own. After a confrontation or a strong emotion, imagine a red rose in front of you — petals, stem, the whole gambit. See the thorns on the rose, look at its red color — really spend time on it. Can’t visualize? Can you feel what a rose might smell like in front of you? That works. Now send the anger you are feeling into the rose. Feed that rose with all the aspects of that confrontation, emotion, etc. watch it grow and grow with all that energy. Once you are done push the rose away from you and blow it up. That’s right, blow that sucker to smithereens. Watch the petals, stems and leaves fall deep into the earth. Congrats! You’ve just cleared energy!

Move that Bod

Notice when ducks fight? They quack, go at it, and then swim away. But just before they leave the scene, they flap their wings, getting that excess energy out. You are that duck. It’s time to flap. This technique is the most effective for me, but it requires access to a safe space and some music.

Turn on a song and start dancing. Not like middle school dancing, I mean DANCING. You are Lizzo, you are Sasha Fierce, release every bit of angst, emotion, and anger from your body by literally shaking it off. Are you at work and can’t find a good moment? Find a bathroom stall and some headphones.

When doing this, it’s helpful to literally shake it off. Make those movements you would associate with getting something away, out, far from you. I also find it helpful to hang my head downward, letting all that excess energy out of my system.

So that’s it, three techniques to place strong emotions, like anger, in their proper place. By clearing this energy consistently and effectively, you can keep strong emotions from damaging your bod. Happy grounding and rose blowing, and as always, keep on dancing.


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