The Meaning and Purpose of Life: A Witch’s Perspective

I used to believe in a life's purpose, but now I think like a witch.

What is the meaning of life? This question has puzzled philosophers, theologians, and scientists for centuries.

Some argue that life has no inherent meaning, while others believe that it is up to each individual to create their own purpose.

I used to believe in a life’s purpose, but now I think like a witch. Sometimes we get too wrapped up in the material world and its physical and spiritual “goals.” However, there is a way to turn these questions around and get the most out of these reflections.

In this article, we will explore some of the most prominent philosophical perspectives on the meaning and purpose of life — and how a witch might relate to them.

Gather your daggers and incense sticks, and let’s dive right in.


One of the most influential schools of thought in modern philosophy, existentialism, asserts that life has no inherent meaning. According to existentialists, individuals must create their own purpose through their choices and actions. This perspective emphasizes individual freedom and responsibility, as individuals must take ownership of their lives and make meaningful choices in the face of the absurdity and unpredictability of existence.

A witch’s perspective: By assigning meaning to something you bring it into being (this is what casting spells is really about). So if you think life has no inherent value, that’s true for you. You’ve brought that thought into being and you’ve attached meaning or power behind it. So if “life has no inherent meaning” is true for you, the statement, “life has meaning” can be equally true. It’s up to you.

Religious Perspectives

Many religions offer a framework for understanding the meaning and purpose of life. For example, Christianity posits that life is a gift from God and that individuals are called to serve and glorify God through their actions. Buddhism suggests that the ultimate purpose of life is to achieve enlightenment or liberation from the cycle of rebirth and suffering. In these religious traditions, the meaning and purpose of life are tied to a higher power or spiritual goal.

A witch’s perspective: Goals signal intent, they are generated from thought. Religious frameworks can be helpful because they give you all the goals. They also can be confining and can offer no guidance once these goals have been achieved (which rarely happens) or when the person has become so dispirited in not reaching the goal that they become disillusioned. The religious response is to, “try harder.” The witch’s response is understanding “who” is trying, and taking a wrecking ball to the framework.


The hedonistic perspective posits that the purpose of life is to seek pleasure and avoid pain. This philosophy emphasizes the importance of enjoying life’s pleasures, whether they are physical or intellectual, and minimizing suffering. While this perspective may seem superficial, some argue that it offers a straightforward and accessible approach to finding happiness and fulfillment.

A witch’s perspective: Fulfilling hedonistic desires may very well be what people want in life; however, few are honest enough about these drives and make it their life’s purpose. The witch wonders what it feels like to fully embody the things you seek. Like a fish looking for water, what do these pleasures tell about our shadow selves?


Humanism emphasizes the importance of human values, such as reason, empathy, and compassion. According to this perspective, the meaning and purpose of life are tied to the pursuit of human flourishing and the common good. This philosophy emphasizes the importance of social and political action to create a better world for all.

A witch’s perspective: Be on the lookout for a rise in this perspective as Pluto makes its way into the sign of Aquarius. The witch wonders where the dividing line is between you and humanity, between you and her, between you and the sun. When you think of humanity, are you separating it from yourself? What transformation can you bring about using your own power?


Ultimately, the meaning and purpose of life are subjective and dependent on individual beliefs and values.

While some may argue that life has no inherent meaning, others find purpose in their relationships, work, hobbies, or spiritual practices. Regardless of one’s perspective, the quest for meaning and purpose is an essential part of the human experience, and it is up to each individual to explore and define their own path in life.


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