Your Life Has a Roadmap

It beings with your sun sign — a gateway drug to greater self-awareness. This article offers a quick how-to to establish the basics of your natal chart, aka your life’s roadmap.

Your sun sign and natal chart hold the keys to understanding the unique blueprint of your astrological identity. I think of it as a map of our intentions in this life. While many folks may know their sun sign, they are unaware of the larger natal picture of their birth. Even more so, they have no idea that important moments of their life, and even their life intentions can be found within their natal chart. Unlocking that knowledge can be transformative, as it was for me. In this article, we will guide you on a transformative journey of self-discovery, helping you find your sun sign and explore the depths of your natal chart. Prepare to unveil the stars within and unlock the cosmic wisdom that lies within you.

Photo by Vedrana Filipović on Unsplash

What is Your Sun Sign?

Your sun sign, also known as your zodiac sign, is determined by the position of the sun at the time of your birth. It represents the core essence of your personality and the characteristics you radiate to the world! Discovering your sun sign is the first step toward understanding your astrological identity, but I would encourage you not to stop there.

My favorite horoscope generator has to be Astro Dienst. Quick and easy, there are prompts for beginnings and for those willing to take a further step into interpretations. You should be able to get your sun sign using their chart tools. Read all about your sun sign, and see if you can identify with certain aspects of it. The rule with astrology (and other divination) is to focus on what resonates.

Remember, the goal is self-knowledge and discovery here — not debunking.

Get into what you feel is right vs. what is wrong. There are aspects of our shadow selves that may be too painful to take in at first blush. Even if it’s not “true” for you now, it may be 5, 10, or even 20 years from now. Take every opportunity to revisit your sun sign to make this connection and reevaluate where you are at.

Unraveling Your Natal Chart:

Beyond the sun sign, your natal chart provides a comprehensive snapshot of the planets’ positions at the moment of your birth. It offers a profound and nuanced understanding of your personality, potentials, and life’s patterns. It’s a good idea to read up on the essential components of a natal chart, including the Ascendant, Moon sign, and planetary placements, helping you decode the symbolism and significance of each element.

Remember is your friend! Create a basic chart using their tool. You’ll get a big old wheel that looks like the one below.

Whoa what is this? Lots of symbols and numbers and . . . it can be intimidating. But hang with me. Now create another chart in a narrative style. I use the chart option titled, “Simple Chart Delineation by Walter Pullen” for the narrative. This will help you create a comparison tool.

Understanding Planetary Placements:

Within your natal chart, each planet holds a unique position, indicating its influence on different aspects of your life. Understanding the energies and symbolism associated with each planet will provide profound insights into your emotions, communication style, relationships, drive, and expansion.

For example, the circle with the little dot in the middle is the sun. The sun “sign” here is in Capricorn. But what’s that little number 3 all about?

Chart Selection for the 3rd House.

Once you pull up the narrative chart, you can read a narrative interpretation from Mr. Pullen. Such as the below.

Sun in Capricorn and 3rd House: This person's spirit, ego, image of self, and
  sense of aliveness is industrious, practical, disciplined, and works for
  solitude and personal integrity. Most often this manifests in the area of
  life dealing with communicating to and receiving from the environment.

Exploring Aspects and Houses:

Aspects and houses within your natal chart add depth and specificity to your astrological portrait. Aspects represent the relationships between planets, revealing how their energies interact within you. Houses signify different areas of life where these energies manifest. Once again, until you are able to “read” the chart, rely on the narrative interpretation to tell you a little bit about the aspects and houses that are prominent in your natal chart.

Photo by James Lee on Unsplash


If this feels overwhelming take a step back and just play around with the sun sign. Once that feels right, come back to these online tools and play around with different charts. Maybe explore your moon sign or rising sign? Or maybe aspects are your bag? There are so many free resources to understand your birth chart, you should never feel as if the information is somehow inaccessible to you.

Your sun sign and natal chart hold the celestial map to your unique identity and life’s journey. By exploring your sun sign’s traits and delving into the depths of your natal chart, you embark on a transformative self-discovery process. Understanding the cosmic influences that shape you empowers you to embrace your strengths, navigate challenges, and align with your highest potential. Embrace the wisdom of the stars within and unlock the secrets of your astrological identity. Good luck!


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