Pluto in Aquarius and the Future of Work from Home Policies

When Pluto shifts into Aquarius work from home policies are set to undergo a transformation worthy of this humanitarian-focused air sign.

The celestial shift of Pluto from its long Capricorn stay into the sign of Aquarius has generated substantial discussion. As a Capricorn, I’ve witnessed Pluto’s remarkable ability to reshape seemingly “too big to fail” institutions in the realms of banking and government, redefine our understanding of law enforcement and punishment, and even contribute to the increasing acceptance of cannabis, gradually loosening the government’s grip on controlled substances.

Before we delve into the future of work from home policies, let’s first revisit the pivotal changes that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The COVID-19 Pandemic: A Catalyst for Change

During the pandemic’s shutdowns, governments and institutions worldwide were compelled to implement work from home policies for eligible employees. This realignment represented a Plutonian transformation in our traditional work and leisure dynamics. While Capricorn constructs, Pluto rebuilds and transforms, creating an ideal environment for the rapid development of new IT policies and procedures to meet the demands of this new era. It’s Capricorn at its finest, in my opinion.

However, as soon as the pandemic restrictions eased, authorities within various institutions and governments vigorously advocated for a return to pre-COVID policies, including in-office work. These calls reached a crescendo in 2023, with governments and businesses mandating the return of employees to physical offices.

Interestingly, in 2023, Pluto briefly entered the sign of Aquarius before retreating back into Capricorn. During this short period, we observed a shift in how people approached the “return to office” mandates. People began embracing greater flexibility in their daily routines, avoiding the traditional 9-to-5 work hours and instead opting for non-peak hour commutes, which made their lives more manageable.

However, when Pluto returned to Capricorn in June, the chorus of CEOs once again called for an abrupt return to office work. With this knowledge in mind, what can we anticipate when Pluto permanently enters Aquarius in 2024? Let’s explore.

Pluto: The Catalyst for Transformation

The prevailing narrative around Pluto’s entry into Aquarius often centers on historical periods marked by revolutions and uprisings. While these events may evoke fear and make for compelling stories, the essence of Pluto lies in transformation. Some may perceive this transformation as trauma, based on my extensive experience reading hundreds of birth charts. However, what this perspective overlooks is the shedding of the old to make way for transformation. Recognizing that this transformation is the only path forward is an evolved viewpoint. Pluto metamorphoses caterpillars into butterflies, and this process can appear unsightly without a deeper understanding of its purpose.

Aquarius: The Zealot

Aquarius, one of my favorite signs, thrives on change and challenges conventional wisdom. They embrace a contrarian and revolutionary spirit, unafraid to disrupt established norms. If Aquarius had a spirit animal, it might be a toddler learning to walk, full of energy, curiosity, and a propensity to explore.

What sets Aquarius apart is its combination of air and water qualities. It craves movement, not just physically but also in ideas, change, thoughts, emotions, and possesses underrated psychic abilities. Aquarius taps into both personal and universal insights, using them to further humanitarian goals.

Pluto + Aquarius = A New Era for Work

I believe that work from home policies won’t crumble under Pluto’s influence in Aquarius but will instead transform to better serve humanity. While Capricorn envisions work-life as a binary shift between the office and home, Aquarius questions the necessity of work itself. In essence, while you’re on page A, the Aquarius is writing another novel.

In simpler terms, we should expect a broader understanding of “daily work” to emerge, reshaping people’s professional lives rapidly. People will awaken to questions that seemed elementary years ago, such as why they do what they do, how they do it, and what work makes sense. The concept of “home” will evolve into units that facilitate intense collaboration, meeting Aquarius’ need for constant movement, especially in the realms of technology and the humanities.

So, will work from home policies endure in the Aquarian age? Undoubtedly, but the Aquarian influence within me suggests a more profound truth. Be prepared for a transformation in our understanding of work that goes beyond the location of work, as the last place to look for this binary quandary may be where we work itself.


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